From: Tim []
Sent: Mon 7/27/2009 7:01 AM
To: Martin Chuck
Subject: Follow up question on Manning's question
After purchasing the Tour Striker, I went out and picked up a copy of Bobby Clampett’s book, The Impact Zone. I am only halfway through it, but I am trying to utilize the technique of aiming in front of the ball. But, I am finding that this is also delaying the rolling over of my wrists, leading to a slice (not a pull slice, ball starts straight and then ends up too far right).
Now, I will say, the rolling over of my wrists has always been a bit of a problem for me. I tend to grip the club too tightly and also have a tendency to try to “hit” at the ball. I do know the correct feel, and if I rehearse the wrist roll with a practice swing or two, then step up and say hit a half or ¾ shot, there is a good chance my ball will go dead straight. Or perhaps even draw a little. But, I find it much harder to do from a full swing.
Any suggestions? More half swing practice?