Friday, April 23, 2010

Tour Striker Testimonial

A.L. V.

Really has helped

I really like the tour striker, together with the excellent video by
Chuck, I have really improved my ball striking, substantially.

My biggest problem now is my head, I am not used to being 4 over after
holes, so somehow manage to screw up the last hole or 2 of a nine to
keep me
at a comfort level. But Wow, I can really seem my potential

Thanks for developing such a useful tool.

Les V. (Honolulu Hawaii 19.2 index

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Thursday, April 8, 2010

RE: The tour striker pro

Ken! Congrats on the 78!!!!!! Awesome. I have to post that driver video for you. The weather has been awefull. I will do it soon though.



Martin Chuck, PGA  |  Director of Golf/Club Manager  |  Tetherow Golf Club  |  61240 Skyline Ranch Road, Bend, OR 97702  |  C 541.948.2480  |  O 541.388.2582 Ext. 103 |  F 541.388.9810  |


Tetherow Golf Course Preview


From: Ken

Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2010 12:53 PM
To: Martin Chuck
Subject: The tour striker pro




I have not heard from your director. Little FYI - Broke 80 for the first time - Shot 78 - ( If I could of made some putts, I might of shot par. ) My problem now is distance - I keep getting longer with my irons. I keep over shooting greens. What a great problem to have for once.


I have notice one problem - although my driving is straight, I have lost some distance. My spin rate on my driver is way to high (around 4,000)  I must be hitting down with the driver.


Thanks again for the creation of the tour striker.


Ken W