Monday, August 23, 2010

Tour Striker

Wow! Thanks for sharing Zach. That is awesome!


From: Zach]
Sent: Monday, August 23, 2010 11:25 AM
To: Martin Chuck


MC, We are hosting a small fundraiser at Brasada Ranch today and some of the tour pros from the Tradition are playing in it.  Before the event started Olin Brown was helping out some of the players participating in the event.  Everyone was gathering around to watch Olin help this guy out.  The guy had zero weight shift and was trying to lift the ball in the air.  Olin kept trying to tell him to hit down on the ball to get it airborne.  Finally he went to his bag and pulled out the TOUR STRIKER and the guy was able to hit it much better.  All the players were trying it our after that… more happy player MC




Friday, August 20, 2010

RE: Tour Striker believer

Hi Ken,


Sorry for the delay! I’ve been slammed at my day jobJ Give me a call and I’d be happy to explain “axis tilt.”




Martin Chuck



From: Ken r [mailto:$$]
Sent: Monday, August 02, 2010 10:55 PM
To: Martin Chuck
Subject: Tour Striker believer
Importance: High




Thanks again for your training aid. Best around. I do have two questions for you. I have created a problem  I am having trouble with hooking the ball. The ball will leave straight at the target line and than curve to the left ( Right Handed golfer). I was searching through youtube for your help sessions and ran across the one you gave Mike- In your video you showed how that hitting to far inside to out that you hit out on the toe. To correct it - I was trying to swing more and more to the right. I would like for you to go over the reason why it is out on the toe  - I was hitting wonderful long shots and this rascal showed up out of no where. Below I think I have the answer but would like your thoughts also.


When I was hitting well and compressing the ball, I had a closed face at address. I always had a stronger grip.  Two weeks ago when I lost my swing.  Everyone was telling me that I was hooking the ball because of my grip. I started to open the face at address, however my shots are now all over and my compression of the golf club is awful and I notice that I was having trouble with the tour striker.Then I started to try to fix the problem. I thought I was coming over the top and started to come more inside. My divots were slowly getting more shallow and going more and more to the right and my impact was more to the toe. Distance went down and ball speed was way down.  When I was hitting well - my divots were more straight and then to the left. My impact was on the sweet spot or a little inside towards the heal.   ( Example of ball speed change - I went from hitting my 6 iron at 175 yards to 160) I saw your video (which I can not find again) about gripping the club at impact position first and then setting the club at address. This shows a closed face at address.(If relaxed)  You mention that at first you may hit shots to the left - however as you learn to body tilt the club face will be square at impact. ( You showed Zack as an example) I realize now that I lost my tilt.  Will you elaborate on the tilt and being more down the line ? 


Again - I love your product.  I believe there is at least 10 tour strikers on my range now. I also see you were able to get the tour striker into the PGA superstore in Atlanta GA. Once I can talk my wife into letting me - I will be at you club for some lessons. I personally believe your style of teaching and knowledge is second to none. I ask a lot of questions to the teachers over here about some of your theories and no one has been able to answer them or just avoid answering ( Yes - I am little over the top on this golf curse) The tour striker has taken me to a 40 index to a 10 in a very short time. ( Before my little issue that I have right now)  You really need to come out with a video. If you ever need help with the Q & A  or structure of the video. I will be more than willing to help. (Yes - I have golf issue) I just love the game. 


Thanks so much


Ken W


RE: Tour Striker Flight Question

Hi Adam,

First, thank you!

Second, the TS is clearly making you rotate the face a little more to
try and get the leading edge to a place where you can make the tool
work. Since your normal shot was a cut, you tried to fix the miss with a
leftward path. Now you have a face matching the path, whereas prior, you
had a face open to the path (slice).

Now you need to work on a little "axis tilt" or simply, let your left
hip bump a bit toward the target on the downswing as that will help your
path get a little more rightward to fix the pull.

It sounds like you are on the right path!!!

I am making a set of Tour Striker irons. I've had so many people love
the feel, I figured "why not?" They will be available early 2011. They
will have a tiny "tourstriker" leading edge, but incorporate a lot of
what makes the TS clubs feel so solid.



-----Original Message-----
From: Adam []
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 11:19 PM
Subject: Tour Striker Flight Question

Hi Martin,

I recently ordered a regular TS. The first thing I noticed is that I
seem to hit quite a few pulls with the club. I very rarely hit pulls
with my Ping G10s. To hit 2 or 3 in a row with the TS took me by
surprise. What may cause this? I have a problem with lots of fades with
my G10s. Pulls are never a worry.

Also I seem to hit the TS a LOT better than my G10s. So much so that I'm
starting to think that my G10s may not be a good choice for me. I seem
to have to work pretty hard with my G10s to not hit a fade. The TS seems
to take a whole lot less work and accuracy is better. I dont know why
this is. Any chance this thing is USGA legal? Haha


Sent from my iPhone

Monday, August 16, 2010

FW: Question on Divot From Swinging the Tour Striker Pro

Hello Jim,


So sorry for the delay! I am catching up from a family vacation. Thank you for your support.


Don’t worry about a divot with the TS Pro. The leading edge is so high, it won’t ever get into the ground. You will simply “smear” the grass. If you expose dirt, that’s fine.


The “sweet” spot on the TS is only a grove above the elevated leading edge. It’s not in the center of the TS face. It’s sounds like you are doing just fineJ


I’m glad you like the club!




From: Jim
Subject: Question on Divot From Swinging the Tour Striker Pro
Could you please pass this along to Mr. Chuck? Thanks.
Mr. Chuck,
 Thank you for inventing this club! My teaching pro in Ohio told me about the Tour Striker, and I immediately ordered one after my lesson with him. I spend 75% of my practice time hitting this club (the Tour Striker Pro) exclusively. Its helping me to address the main swing flaw I have - hitting it too thin.
 I have a question: should my goal be to create the same size divot with the
 Tour Striker Pro as I do with my other clubs? Obviously it has a lot of bounce and a small sweet spot. Even when I appear to hit the Tour Striker Pro
 well (i.e., good ball flight and solid impact sound), I still find it difficult to take more than just a small amount of turf. Often times its just a scrape of grass (as opposed to the dollar bill-sized divot I would take with my other clubs). Occasionally, I'll have a nice divot with my Tour Striker Pro shots, but its still fairly rare. Is this something I should strive for, or should I expect to take a smaller divot with my Tour Striker Pro club?
 (I also notice from the marks on my Tour Striker Pro club that most if not
 all of my shots are on the lower half of the clubface, not really in the sweet spot of the club. Something I need to work on as well!)
 Thanks again for the club. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Tour Striker



Not to worry...I won't be filing any lawsuits ;)  But that said - I have often wondered why if most clubs are built to "get under" the ball but you aren't supposed to get under the ball....why not build a club that wouldn't let you.

You've done that !!

My wife was famous for saying, "but I don't want to hurt the grass"  Once she started learning how to compress the ball she now says, "it's grass - it'll grow back !"

Thanks for your efforts..I look forward to trying your product.


Tom H
Hanover, NH

Martin Chuck, PGA  |  Director of Golf/Club Manager  |  Tetherow Golf Club  | 61240 Skyline Ranch Road, Bend, OR 97702  |  C 541.948.2480  |  O 541.388.2582 Ext. 103 |  F 541.388.9810  |

Sent via BlackBerry

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

FW: Comment posted on "Golf Secret - The Tour Striker Training Club"

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Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2010 10:26 AM
To: cmartingolf
Subject: Comment posted on "Golf Secret - The Tour Striker Training Club"



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JTKarp has made a comment on Golf Secret - The Tour Striker Training Club:

Bought my LH 5-iron TS a month ago and I absolutely LOVE what it's done for my swing. Hitting some of the sweetest shots I've hit in my 23 years golfing. just working on getting more and more consistent. Tempo and lag are becoming automatic. This is the most Brilliant Golf Aid ever developed.

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