Saturday, January 29, 2011

FW: Comment posted on "Golf Secret - The Tour Striker Training Club"

This makes my day!!



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yuilled has made a comment on Golf Secret - The Tour Striker Training Club:

The instructional DVD that comes with the TS Pro is outstanding. Martin discusses: grip, swing, turn,tempo, club face & more. I'm a 17 hc got my TSP 7-Iron yesterday took to the range today hit 2 large buckets and after about 5 whacks a was able to make solid contact on about 60% of my shots. With my game I was hesitant to buy the TS Pro vs, Reg TS and was surprised I could hit it. Hope the progress continues .Martin is a great teacher!

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Chuck, sincere thanks for the note. I'm thrilled the club has helped you. You made my day.


Date: Jan 29, 2011 10:06 AM
To: <>

Received my 7 iron Pro Tour Striker training club and video about 2 weeks ago.  I didn't watch the video for about a week.  I just took the Tour Striker to the driving range to check it out.  I'm not sure you even need a video with this swing trainer.  The Tour Striker did a better training job by itself than any lesson, video, or other swing trainer I have ever tried - and I have tried more than a few.  Typically, I use the Tour Striker for 5 to 10 balls on the driving range before I hit the rest of the balls (usually a small bucket).  This generally gets my swing right where it needs to be for the round.

So...last weekend I decided to watch the video.  The video that came with the Tour Striker helped me just as much, if not more than the Tour Striker.  Martin does a terrific job explaining the golf swing and providing visual/feel images that are unique and effective.  Thursday and Friday of this week, I shot two of my best rounds ever at my home course, 75 & 76, and it seemed like I could have easily shot 2 or 3 strokes better (I'm currently an 7.8 HCP index).  I have picked up 10%-20% added distance on my full swing shots, with improved accuracy and ball flight (slight draw).  A BIG thanks for a great product and training video.  Best $ I ever spent on golf.

Chuck R
Lacey, WA

Martin Chuck, PGA  |  Director of Golf/Club Manager  |  Tetherow Golf Club  | 61240 Skyline Ranch Road, Bend, OR 97702  |  C 541.948.2480  |  O 541.388.2582 Ext. 103 |  F 541.388.9810  |

Sent via BlackBerry

Saturday, January 22, 2011

RE: Lessons/clinics

Hi David,


Chunky wedges are no fun at all. It’s hard to remain patient with the hands and sustain the lag. Think of it this way; typically the best players err with a divot too far ahead of the ball and they have “pro” thin shots. The newer golfers err by releasing the lag too early and their lever combination gets too long and they land behind the ball, thus the chunk shot.


Relax and let Mother Nature make the shaft and left arm seek it’s alignment. It will happen beyond the ball. Let the club “squeeze the grape.” I don’t want your hands doing it.






From: David S
Sent: Friday, January 21, 2011 5:59 PM
To: Martin Chuck
Subject: RE: Lessons/clinics


Oh you bet I will see you in Bend this year! Hey Martin, I have been hitting my mid irons (P thru 6) really really well since I have been refining my forward aiming point and practicing with the TS 7 iron. Only shots I still hit a bit fat sometimes are my 54 and 58 degree wedges from 60 to 80 yards out. When I practice it seems i have to move the aiming point forward even more for these clubs but when I played a round today, although I tried to have my hands going forward a lo, I still chunked it twice on critical shots. The divots were perfect shape but just barely short of solid contact. Other than moving my aiming point more forward, any thoughts you can share with me on this?




Subject: RE: Lessons/clinics
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2011 12:58:53 -0800

Hi David, it sounds like you are doing awesome! I want you to develop your own personal feelings so they belong to you. Keep your mind in your hands, that’s were mine is! Practice in a bunker anytime you can. I’d use your normal club I the bunker and the TS on tight grass.


Take care and thanks for your support! Come on up to Bend this summer.


Martin Chuck, PGA  |  Director of Golf/Club Manager  |  Tetherow Golf Club  |  61240 Skyline Ranch Road, Bend, OR 97702  |  C 541.948.2480  |  O 541.388.2582 Ext. 103 |  F 541.388.9810  |


Tetherow Video Preview



From: David S []
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2011 12:22 PM
To: Martin Chuck
Subject: RE: Lessons/clinics


Hello Martin,


I was able to buy a 7 iron pro at Carlson's! First time out was pretty good. I hit the tour striker pretty well but tended to hook a bit. I have a question; I have been working hard with the forward aiming point concept. I think I get it. Matter of fact it also works with my tennis strokes! But, I have been playing around with trying to establish the right spot to have as my aiming point. Your videos seem to show you using a point ahead of your left foot but inside the target line. I seem to hook a bit more when using that point. If I use a point well out front but right on the target line (of the ball) things work better.


The trick for me seems to be that I have to keep my mind on my hands rather than on the clubface as I was before. And, training myself to let my hands go that much forward of the ball and still be able to collect the ball on the way through takes some trust!


So, any points you can give me on this would be appreciated before I get too much practice time in. I really like your idea of learning in the sand. Will the repitition of doing this a lot eventually turn into a natural swing? I hope so!






FW: Tour striker

Wow, that is a great endorsement!


From: MIKE >>>>]
Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2011 1:07 PM
To: Martin Chuck
Subject: Tour striker


Hi Martin,

I just wanted to commend you on the Tour Striker Pro irons. I've been a good ball striker for some time but occasionally I would stray. I bought the 7 and 5 to keep me sharp, and I can't believe the results. I went from hitting my 5 iron 190 to hitting it 215 woo wee, I'm almost 60 years old and I just can't believe it! Thanks for helping me get my old distance back.

Best regards,

Mike F

Friday, January 21, 2011

FW: Dixie Flatline started a new personal conversation with you

:) I'm going to take this fellow up on his offer:)


Dixie Flatline has sent you a new personal conversation entitled "You
are a classy guy!".

Dixie Flatline said:
I bought the TSP 7 iron pretty early into their release and preordered
the 56. I love them both and use them on every trip to the range.

I really am writing you because I noticed you had posted in the thread
where "thenewbie" had discussed grinding off the leading edge of a VIP
blade to make an improvised Tour Striker.

My first thought was to post back that he should just buy a TSP, but I
held off, as I have made some homemade stuff myself. But then I noticed
you not only posted in the thread, but actually gave him welding advice.
I was shocked. If I were you, I'd have been pissed. But your response
showed very clearly that first and foremost, you love helping people
play better golf.

Hats off to you. I will continue to support your products. And if you
ever make it to Georgia, PM me and I'll take you to dinner.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Re: Tour striker

That is awesome! Thanks for sharing the news with me!

Martin Chuck, PGA  |  Director of Golf/Club Manager  |  Tetherow Golf Club  | 61240 Skyline Ranch Road, Bend, OR 97702  |  C 541.948.2480  |  O 541.388.2582 Ext. 103 |  F 541.388.9810  |

Sent via BlackBerry

----- Original Message -----
To: Martin Chuck
Sent: Wed Jan 19 12:59:56 2011
Subject: Tour striker

Hi Martin,

I just wanted to commend you on the Tour Striker Pro irons. I've been a good ball striker for some time but occasionally I would stray. I bought the 7 and 5 to keep me sharp, and I can't believe the results. I went from hitting my 5 iron 190 to hitting it 215 woo wee, I'm almost 60 years old and I just can't believe it! Thanks for helping me get my old distance back.

Best regards,

Mike Foster

Saturday, January 15, 2011

FW: hi from Pam W in Mazatlan

A nice note from South of the Border!


From: Pamela
Sent: Friday, January 14, 2011 7:59 AM
To: Martin Chuck
Subject: hi from Pam W


Hi Martin,
Happy New Year!!  I am currently in Mazatlan Mexico and I wanted to pass this story on  to you. The other day I was hitting my Tour Striker on the range and two young local College players were hitting balls too. The one player was casting big time and he just could not get the feel on how to stop that. Knowing this guys I walked over to them, handed the Tour Striker to him and he hit 4 solid hits without casting!! The smile on his face was priceless.. Both players could not believe how good that club is.. I just love it and it has made all the difference in my swing. I am going to order another one for the bag in Reno, this one here stays..

Thanks again so much for this club and for always be so great at what you do!! We miss you!!


Pamela W

Monday, January 10, 2011

Tour striker pro 5 or 7??


Thanks for your note. The 5 pro is certainly the most challenging of all the Tour Strikers. Of course, the lie you hit from changes the degree of difficulty. As a ten index, I would say, go with the TS Pro 7 and develop the feel of lag, do some of the drills posted on my YouTube channel and follow the guidelines in the included DVD (it's available for free viewing on the Tour Striker website btw...) and you should make some nice strides. If you do want to buy both clubs we offer free shipping when someone buys two units. It is automatically deducted from the purchase price online.

Thanks for your question,

-----Original Message-----
From: David C []
Sent: Monday, January 10, 2011 9:27 AM
Subject: Tour striker pro 5 or 7

I was interested in ordering your product but I am still undecided between the 7 and 5 iron. I was wondering if I were to order the 7 and become proficient at it will this transfer over to the longer irons I play, or would it be better to order the 5 for the longer irons. I could use help in both areas of my game. My current hc is around a 10. Any info you could provide on the two irons would be greatly appreciated.... thank you for your time.