Thanks so much for the kind note. I appreciate it a lot. I'm thrilled that you were able to see a difference so quickly. That is great.
Keep up the good work and stay in touch!
Martin Chuck, PGA | Inventor - Tour Striker Training Products | Instructor - The Tour Striker Golf Academy at Sunriver Resort | C 541.948.2480 | |
On Sep 21, 2011, at 3:28 PM, Jeff P wrote:
Martin Chuck, PGA | Inventor - Tour Striker Training Products | Instructor - The Tour Striker Golf Academy at Sunriver Resort | C 541.948.2480 | |
I'm a pretty new golfer. A lefty. My technical knowledge is pretty limited at this point. I have a coach who has helped me a lot but I had developed a disastrous slice that was unresponsive to treatment. I stumbled on the Tourstriker infomercial on TV. I never buy things this way but the sales pitch made sense and I was ready to try anything. I bought the standard 8 iron version and took it out today for the first time.I can only say that this thing does what it says it will. It's kind of amazing. You IMMEDIATELY see what you need to do to hit down on the ball correctly. You see how far your hands have to be forward 9 (it's farther than I would have thought) and what your body had to do during the swing to help get them there. If you don't get them there the club spanks you with a topped shot. When you DO get them there the ball just sails and, for reasons I'd like someone to explain, it goes much straighter than before. It's almost shocking. When the first couple properly struck balls took off long and straight I just thought "No way. That's a fluke." But it happens every time you swing properly. And every time you don't, it doesn't. The immediate feedback is worth a thousand words.I had been slicing the driver the worst. I was terrified of that club. It was my enemy. I had had a rather discouraging lesson with my coach the day before that was specifically aimed at fixing it. But the session was so unproductive he didn't charge me for it! Once I got a feel for the Tourstriker swing today and saw the results however I had to try the new swing out on the driver. I can only say I didn't hit a single ball during the coaching session yesterday nearly as well as I hit ALL the 15 or so drives I hit adapting the Tourstriker swing to the driver. Most had no slice or minimal slice that would have left the ball playable. I'm thinking that with a few more range sessions I may be playing something resembling golf.I'm a believer. This thing gets a spot in my bag. I'll be practicing with it frequently. Thanks for dreaming it up.JP