When you feel you have the hang of the 8, you might want to try the 7 version. It's harder, but worth the effort to understand and hit.
Take care,
Martin Chuck, PGA | Inventor - Tour Striker Training Products | Instructor - The Tour Striker Golf Academies | C 541.948.2480 | martin@tourstriker.com | www.tourstriker.com
On Nov 16, 2011, at 7:21 PM, Chris Rinas wrote:
> Hey Martin,
> I married into a golf family, with the father in law, and brother in law shooting in the low 70's. After I made fun of the sport, I've embraced it the last 2 years so much that my daily routine involves some sort of practice everyday. I've never took lessons like my in laws but struggled with the concept of hitting down on the ball and if anything would fall off the ball. My father in law tried a tour striker 8 iron at golf town with no problem hitting the sweet spot. I bought one and watched the DVD. Absolutely hated it, but I knew it would turn around with patience. I would use it time to time and play some rounds. 103, 112, and so on would be my score.(playing from the blues). Lately as the golf season is ending, I've enveloped my mind and body to fitness and practice using only a lob wedge, the tour striker 8 and driver 3 days a week. Only the last two weeks after watching the DVD and calming my swing down using the power of my core and lagging naturally with your grip you teach I've gone from worm burning your tour striker to hitting beautiful iron shots that when they compress and fly brings so much satisfaction knowing I'm hitting a shot like a PGA pro with that beautiful impact. Your iron has opened the door to the possibility of me playing in a local pro-am one day with my in laws as a 18 and under handicap. My drives are long with a slight fade,(use to hook or power draw), and my short game my father in law said is quite good. Once I gain the consistent impact with my irons I'm in business. You are to thank in taking a guy who never thought golf was something to do as a hobby, to a guy that wished so bad he started younger all for the chance for that great round or for me that great shot. Thanks Martin
> Chris
> Sent from my iPhone