Hi Martin,
I have a question for you. I was reading Stan Utley's book about the short game and he is big into presenting the bounce for pitch shots etc. It got me thinking that I do everything in my power to stop the bounce of the club hitting the deck before actually hitting the ball with the clubface.
Anyway, because it seemed to work astonishingly well with wedges even off hard surfaces, I tried presenting the bounce first prior to impact with normal mid irons then your tourstriker and I was astonished at the purity of strike, clean, high solid trajectory, no fat shots.
This seems totally undecipherable to me. It seems that presenting the bounce first and striking the toursriker cleanly, which I did, is completely at odds with each other!
Can you please explain this? Thanks,
I have a question for you. I was reading Stan Utley's book about the short game and he is big into presenting the bounce for pitch shots etc. It got me thinking that I do everything in my power to stop the bounce of the club hitting the deck before actually hitting the ball with the clubface.
Anyway, because it seemed to work astonishingly well with wedges even off hard surfaces, I tried presenting the bounce first prior to impact with normal mid irons then your tourstriker and I was astonished at the purity of strike, clean, high solid trajectory, no fat shots.
This seems totally undecipherable to me. It seems that presenting the bounce first and striking the toursriker cleanly, which I did, is completely at odds with each other!
Can you please explain this? Thanks,
Hello Mark,
Great question.
Before a golfer can "present the bounce" they have to have a reasonable amount of club shaft control that still agrees with what the golf ball desires; compression. When you look at players that can vary the amount of shaft lean and control their distance and trajectory, they fall into a pretty skilled category. The TS can be hit with excessive lean or marginal lean. With some green side shots, Utley is teaching a "marginal" condition which still presents FORWARD lean just not excessive forward lean.
I'm glad you are able to feel the difference. This stuff goes WAY over most players heads.
You'll find that you will vary how you present the club to the ball based on the conditions and what suits your eye.
As an example: I present the bounce on shortish, greenside shots and if I need to hit a full shot high on special occasion. While I get the height, I have some distance control issues.
My normal ball ground, leading edge divot produces a more consistent trajectory and distance on my iron shots.
This is an excellent question and thanks for sending. If you can maneuver the shaft you are getting pretty darn good, but remember, the shaft is forward leaning even to a small degree.
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