Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tour Stricker Pro

Hello Tom,
Thanks for your interest in the Tour Striker products.
That is some shocking speed for a 60 y/o let alone a 25 y/o. Not many humans can swing a club 120 mph! That's awesome. I'd be 25 yards behind you all day long.
I'm skeptical about your clubs at plus 2.5" length? I don't think I can name a Tour player that has irons 2.5" over standard length and I played a lot of golf with George Archer! If you like them and can knock pins down, so be it. I'm very familiar with HG and their roots in Idaho. I'm a big fan of Randy Henry.
If you are asking me if my club is a must have? I'd say no. A lot of people have great impact alignments and have never used the TS products. It's a learning tool; you have good alignments or you don't. If you don't, this will help you.
I think the TS Pro is a great way to go for a skilled player or teacher promoting/learning impact alignments. It is hard to strike, but I love the challenge.
I'm not a fan of the "truth" club. I like AJ and think he's an excellent. Todd Graves/Moe Norman stuff? There will never be another Moe and trying to mimic his method is futile. Moe was as strong as a bear and his "golf strength" was astounding. While he was the purist and straightest that EVER LIVED. He hit it relatively short by professional standards.
Here's the thing; my club doesn't care about your swing, nor do I. You have it or you don't. If you don't, you'll figure out (with some sweat) how to do it or you'll take up tennis.
While I appreciate you asking, we are not discounting at this time. My partners and I may run some promotions down the road at some point. PGA members can buy one for personal use at 50 percent off with the PGA Member Number. That's pretty common in the industry.
If you don't like the club and it doesn't help you, you'll get your money back!
Take care and keep up the big hitting!!
Martin Chuck, PGA  I  Director of Golf/Club Manager  I  Tetherow Golf Club  I  61240 Skyline Ranch Road, Bend OR 97702 I  C 541.948.2480  I  O 541.388.2582  I  F 541.388.1057  I  mchuck@tetherow.com  I  www.tetherow.com

From: Tom  [mailto:tome@iations.com]
Sent: Mon 9/21/2009 11:36 PM
To: martinchuck@pga.com
Subject: Tour Stricker Pro


My name is Tom and I live in Coeur d' Alene, Idaho.

I received your email about your Tour Stricker / Pro and liked the premiss your addressing.  Which raised a couple of questions for me and my 2 teaching Pros as well.

I currently play with Henry Griffitts Clubs, Graphite Stiff shaft, 3 degrees up and 2 inches longer then a normal 7 Iron.  I measured mine at 39 1/2" and your listing shows 37".  I am around 5' 11" and 60 years old.  I have been told my swing plane is along Fred Couples.  Both Callaway and Ping fitted me at 4 degrees Up.  

My swing speed with Driver averages 119, average drive 285+.  Last year I entered a Long Drive competition in AZ and hit 364.

We are wondering if I were to try your club, which club of yours you would suggest or would your standard "Pro" work?   When I hit a flat club I will usually stick it to the right as is also true when hitting a Reg shaft as it is too slow to come around.

As I told you my teaching pro was curious after my showing him your info however he wonders if it's just another one out there, e.g. "Graves Golf Academy and my latest... I recently purchased AJ Boner's "Truth" club which unfortunately I found to be shall I say, "less impressive then advertised.  Didn't know he was into breaking the wrist at impact.

I ran your numbers for your "Pro" model at 3 degrees up and 2" longer and it came to, $124 which seemed a bit steep for a practice club I may or may not use.  I also noticed a "Coupon Promotion Code" on your order form, is there one I can use for a discount? Thanks.

Also, I was asked if you offer discounts to Pro shops that would use your club in lessons?



1 comment:

  1. After doing a search for the Tour Striker I came across this forum and this particular thread.
    I had been playing golf for 12years ,starting in my early 20's. I took lessons and tried pretty hard at this sport I couldn't seem to play well after having played 3 sports in Hight school lettering in each.But this one I just couldn't get. I played to a 24 to 26 handicap in just about all of those 12 years.
    About that time I heard the infomercial of Moe Norman and Todd Graves was the Pro demonstrating it in the video being shown on the Golf Channel. I played "Natural Golf" for 2 years before turning all my new lessons over to Todd Graves and the Graves golf academy.
    In the past 8 years since taking lessons twice a year from Todd or taking one of their schools, I've goten my handicap down to a low of 4.3, and I'm currently a 6.2 handicapped golfer.
    The reason I'm given you all this information is your comment that it is "futile" to try to swing like Moe is totally false. Now I may not swing like Moe but the teachings of Moe's swing is what I've modeled my swing after and after all those years of struggleing with what we call "conventional golf", I now am a very happy golfer. Of course I'd still like to get my handicap down to even scratch, I'll certainly never go back to that tip of the day type of golf.
    And before I went ahead and looked at the Tour stryker to see if it had value, I asked one of the Graves Golf Academy instructors first and he said he uses one as a teaching tool for students who have trouble hitting down on the ball. I will eventually buy one but I have to get back to work first. But thank you for letting me set the record straight and for making another teaching tool so the rest of the golfing world can now feel the feeling of greatness that Moe talked about so much.
    Dan Bassett, Graves Golf Academy student of the year of 2007
