Tuesday, January 26, 2010

FW: Dennis Breen sent you a message on Facebook...

Dennis sent you a message.

Re: Tour Striker

Hi Martin.

Many thanks for your message. I found out about your product through http://www.facebook.com/l/f5ae6;intheholegolf.com but bought it directly from ur website as I've had some issues with that particular website.

I am an eight handicapper who has always depended on a solid short game to make a score. Having always been a fan of Ben Hogan I studied his swing and instruction and found his belief of compression (done by a bowed left wrist) fascinating. I practised hard and something clicked. On the back of this I went through a period about two years ago for 3 months where I really nailed compression of the ball - it made my greens in reg stat very impressive indeed! As with golf the moment passed and have strived to get that feeling back - to no avail...........until now. Due to some very bad snowy icey weather i've only had one practice session with it and, after a few knuckleballs into the dirt, the first one I nailed recaptured that feeling from a few years ago. After one session I can say that it is the best swing training item I've used.

Can you let me know if you have any other practice aids on the horizon. Anything else you launch may reduce my 8 handicap lower again!!

Also I have to say that I enjoy your videos on youtube. Very good indeed. If u get an opportunity to post that infomercial you were filming up there let me know - be interested in having a look and recommending it to my friends.

Please keep in touch. Apologies in advance of any stupid questions I may send your way!!

Kindest regards.


Saturday, January 16, 2010

RE: Tour Striker



Sincere thanks for taking the time to send me a note. It's been fun helping others and I hope it continues to do well.


I'll have to check out your website! I certainly qualify to being “Addicted2Golf.”


Martin Chuck, PGA  |  Director of Golf/Club Manager  |  Tetherow Golf Club  |  61240 Skyline Ranch Road, Bend, OR 97702  |  C 541.948.2480  |  O 541.388.2582 Ext. 103 |  F 541.388.9810  | www.tetherow.com


Tetherow Golf Course Preview



-----Original Message-----
From: blaine@addicted2golf.net [mailto:blaine@addicted2golf.net]
Sent: Saturday, January 16, 2010 1:14 PM
To: martinchuck@pga.com
Subject: Tour Striker






I just wanted to take a moment to congratulate you for bringing the 

Tour Striker to the marketplace.  I discovered the product by watching 

a golf tip video by Jeff Jerrel on GolfWarehouseAtlanta.com.  Without 

even demoing the Tour Striker, I can tell you that I think the concept 

is a great one and its about time that someone came out with something 

tangible that helps train amateurs to become more solid ball strikers. 

  We see a lot of gimmicks, but yours looks like a serious training 

aid. Nice job.


Good luck with your company and please keep us informed as you release 

new products to the market.


Best Regards,


Blaine Ballard

Founder/Chief Editor



E: blaine@addicted2golf.net


Saturday, January 9, 2010

Tour Striker Review

Another great review…


From: Seizo Mazer [mailto:info@zenchili.com]
Sent: Saturday, January 09, 2010 10:10 AM
To: Martin Chuck
Subject: Re: Tour Striker


Hi Martin,


I have posted the review.  I took some images from the website for it.  Let me know if that is ok with you.  Otherwise I can take some photos of the club you sent me use those instead.  Here is the link to the review.



I like the product a lot and I wish you continued success. 


Best Regards,

