Friday, June 4, 2010

RE: Wow - Tour Striker!!



Sincere thanks for the note that made my day! I’m thrilled you are getting the feedback intended and I hope it makes a really positive impact with the enjoyment of this darned game!


My partners have been great. Rich is outstanding.


Take care,


Martin Chuck, PGA  |  Director of Golf/Club Manager  |  Tetherow Golf Club  |  61240 Skyline Ranch Road, Bend, OR 97702  |  C 541.948.2480  |  O 541.388.2582 Ext. 103 |  F 541.388.9810  |


Tetherow Golf Course Preview




Sent: Friday, June 04, 2010 5:23 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients
Subject: Wow - Tour Striker!!



Hello Martin,


I received my new tour striker this afternoon and promptly took it to the range for a try out.  I grabbed a dozen balls and headed for the sand.  As you might imagine, I topped the first five or six balls and then magic - I stripped three in a row!  It was a fantastic feel, very crisp and the ball flight was penetrating and longer than any other 8 iron I have ever hit from a trap. 


I then went to the range and gradually started hitting with half swings and it just really clicked for me.  Moving on to a full swing, at first my shots were a bit thin, but I gradually got it and I was really (for the first time) compressing the ball.  So, that's what it feels like!


I could not be happier with the club, the very first golf training aid I have ever purchased.  This is a great product and one that will help landscapers like me take it to the next level.  I will highly recommend it to all my golf buddies.  By the way, I watched the instructional DVD which was excellent and a great introduction to the lag concept.  Well done!


My complements to your partners at The Golf Agency and to Rich.  I received my club promptly and Rich's customer service was just outstanding. 


Thank you for your innovative concept.  You really are on to something.


Best regards,



Lawrenceburg IN








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